Bend Airport Noise and Air Quality Analysis | Bend, Oregon
Performed airport noise and air quality modeling and analysis for the Bend Airport project using methods provided by the FAA. The proposed action consisted of three phases and included expansion of the Epic Aircraft facility, a new eastside taxiway, future industrial development, and new associated internal access roads. Modeled three different years using INM version 7.0a. Modeling was performed for several types of aircraft including several types of propeller aircraft, business jets, and helicopters. Identified several residential and commercial impacts and recommended noise mitigation measures. Plotted aircraft noise level contours and authored a detailed noise report. Provided contours in AutoCAD for client use. MM&A also performed air quality analysis using the FAA Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS) version 4.2. Air quality issues related to traffic to and from the airport were analyzed using Oregon DEQ methods. Authored air quality technical report.
Grove Field Airport | Camas, Washington
Performed a technical noise analysis for the Grove Field Airport Project. The Grove Field Airport project would expand the overall footprint of the facility and modify and extend the runway length to increase safety at the Airport. The purpose of the proposed action was to bring the Airport into compliance with FAA design standards for the airport's existing Airport Reference Code (ARC) of A-I (small), while complying with federal and state environmental regulations. Modeled airport noise using FAA INM 7.0a for 2009 and 2015. Identified potential noise impacts at several residential land uses near the airport and made recommendations for noise mitigation measures. Several residents have homes with direct runaway access and live in the area for airport access. Plotted aircraft noise level contours and authored a detailed noise report. Provided contours in AutoCAD for client use.
Deer Park Airport | Deer Park, Washington
Performed an airport noise master plan study in accordance with FAA regulations using the FAA INM version 7.0b. Version 7.0b is the most current version of the FAA INM program. The Deer Park Airport proposes to expand the overall footprint of the facility to allow for future expansion. The proposed Master Plan includes additional hangars, storage, and maintenance facilities. In addition, the future plans also call for fuel storage and an aviation-compatible business park. Modeled noise contours for existing conditions and year 2019. Authored noise technical report and provided CAD files of the contours to the client for future use.
Phillips Petroleum Alpine Air Field | North Slope, Alaska
Constructed INM noise model using base maps provided by Phillips Petroleum and ABR, Inc. for 5,000-foot airport in the north slope of Alaska. Performed on-site noise monitoring and noise model calibration over a 1-week period to include 20 monitoring locations surrounding the airport and performed flight track monitoring to include as input into the FAA IMN. The noise monitoring was performed in 1-second time intervals and the data downloaded into a computer for post analysis. The data post analysis provided second-by-second time records for each aircraft event and included Lmax, Leq, and SEL. The data was tabulated by aircraft type for use in the final report. The technical report included methods of analysis, noise modeling and monitoring results, and other general information, such as helicopter flight and noise level information. Budget: $40,000.
Logan-Cache Airport | Logan, Utah
Performed an airport noise master plan study in accordance with FAA regulations using the FAA INM version 7.0 for the Logan-Cache Airport. The Logan-Cache Airport proposes to expand the overall footprint of the facility to allow for future expansion. The proposed Master Plan includes additional corporate hangers, terminals, storage, manufacturing and maintenance facilities. Additional space and plans for future fuel storage, an aviation-compatible business park and an air traffic control tower are also included. Under the current Master Plan there are no changes to the existing runway configurations. Modeled noise contours for existing conditions, year 2013, and year 2028. Modeling was performed for several types of aircraft including several types of propeller aircraft, business jets and commercial jets. Authored noise technical report and provided CAD files of the contours to the client for future use.
Prosser Airport INM Analysis | Prosser, Washington
Performed a technical noise analysis for the Prosser Community Airport Runway Relocation Project. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential for aircraft noise impacts due to the relocation of the existing runways 1,058 feet west of the current location. As part of the relocation, additional properties would be acquired to extend the airport protection zone. Modeled airport operations using the FAA Integrated Noise Model and plotted aircraft noise level contours and authored a detailed noise report. Modeling was performed for the years 2005 and 2010 with and without the runway relocation. No FAA impacts were identified and no mitigation was recommended.
Portland International Airport | Portland, Oregon
Performed a noise monitoring training seminar for the noise abatement group at Portland International Airport. Compiled a noise monitoring handbook for airport staff, gave a PowerPoint presentation on noise monitoring, and reviewed equipment maintenance and calibration procedures. Performed reverse thrust noise measurements and assisted in a technical analysis of the effects of reverse thrust noise in nearby neighborhoods. Analyzed data and organized noise monitoring sessions.
Portland International Airport | Portland, Oregon
Assisted with the design of complete noise monitoring and flight tracking system. Recommended products and assisted in system specifications.
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport | Seattle, Washington
Assisted with the design of complete noise monitoring and flight tracking system. Recommended products and assisted in system specifications.
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport | Seattle, Washington
Designed a system for the measurement of noise transmission for homes located near the flight paths of aircraft at Seattle-Tacoma Airport. System included hardware and custom-written software with measurement and analysis of noise due to aircraft overflights.
Medford-Jackson County Airport | Medford, Oregon
Performed detailed noise modeling and analysis using the FAA INM for the Medford-Jackson County Airport Runway Extension Project. Plotted aircraft noise level contours and authored a detailed noise report.